Keep in mind...
As you accumulate more experiences, accomplish greater tasks, and embark on bigger journeys, your scorecard will reflect your progress. For this reason, different levels are associated with different activities in order to show growth and progression through the engagement levels. In Suitable, there are two types of leveling: activity levels, and Scorecard levels. Let's review them both below.
Activity Levels:
Activity levels refer to the level of engagement that is required to complete a task. In Suitable, you'll see activities starting at Level 1, such as attending an information session, all the way to Level 5, which could be used for landing a job or internship. As you can see, these activities require very different levels of engagement, and you are rewarded accordingly.
Scorecard Levels:
You can "Level up" on your personal Scorecard by completing activities within each level of a competency area. Let's take Financial Literacy as an example. In order to get to Level 2 in Financial Literacy, you need to complete three Level 1 activities tagged to Financial Literacy. The below competency wheel confirms the student has reached Level 2 for Financial Literacy - click the competency wheel to review your completed activities for that competency.
Over time, your proficiency within all competency areas will become increasingly comprehensive. When you reach Level 2 in each competency, your overall level will increase to Level 2. Your overall level will match your lowest level achieved throughout all competencies. So, if you reach Level 2 in all but one competency, your overall level will remain Level 1 until you reach Level 2 in each competency.
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