Keep in mind...
In this same reporting option, you can pull a regular curriculum export! Review this article for instructions on how to do so.
How to pull a curriculum export report with activity completion data:
1. Navigate to the 'Activities' tab on the left-side toolbar.
2. Click on 'Get curriculum report from current search'. This is located towards the middle, right side of the page between the search bar and the list of activities.
3. Select 'yes' under 'Do you want to include completions in this report?' Be sure to select a Date range for the report as this is a requirement to run the report. The date range options are:
- current semester
- current school year
- the last 5 years
- custom date range of your choosing
4. Click on 'Get Report'.
5. A green header will pop up indicating a successful request.
6. Check your email. Be sure to check your SPAM folder!
Use the link provided to download the report. As the link will expire within 7 days, be sure to store the report in an accessible location.
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