In compliance with various state and federal law requirements regarding education accessibility, this guide has been developed for the use of Suitable in line with accessible design best practices.
Specific Suitable-related accessibility help can be found in our Suitable Accessibility section of our support articles. If you have additional suggestions, please contact
Please note: The Suitable Web App (link here) provides the best experience for those using screen readers or other accessibility tools, as it is most consistently tested.
To review Suitable’s statement on accessibility, please follow this link.
Layout and Design
Areas of Suitable Affected: Activities, Badges
Generally, the layout of an activity and/or badge title and description should be simple, clean, and uncluttered.
When adding content to either of these areas, keep content organized and formatted into short paragraphs so that users can scan the content easily and more reliably use a screen reader.
Additionally, users can view text contrast well when formatting with bold and italics, which help distinguish between important content items. Learn more about using Suitable’s formatting functionalities here.
Areas of Suitable Affected: Activities, Badges, Competencies, Tags
Titles should act as a headline for the opportunity being offered or categorized. For example, if an activity is titled ‘Resumes’, but is actually a Resume Workshop or Employer Review opportunity, this will not be made immediately apparent to the user. Titles should allow for a quick scan of the content for sighted and non-sighted users to understand what is being offered.
Areas of Suitable Affected: Logo, Badges, Portfolio Submissions
Alternative text is enabled for all images uploaded to Suitable by default. This text will be read aloud to a person who is using a screen reader.
Suitable will set the alternative text associated with an image in the platform.
- Program Logos: The title of the program will render alongside the logo, and the alternative text will be associated with the title of the program.
- Example: The OCC program logo
- Badge Images: The title of the badge will render alongside the badge image, and the alternative text will be associated with the title of the badge.
- Example: The first-year success badge image
- Student Portfolio Submissions: A title has to be given to all submissions made by a user before they can be accepted. This title will be used for the alternative text.
- Example: Jane Doe’s resume preview image
Areas of Suitable Affected: Activities, Badges
When adding a link, instead of pasting in the URL directly, attach the link to words that accurately describe the link destination. This can be done through the rich content formatter in Suitable by highlighting the description text, clicking this icon , then placing the hyperlink in the parentheses that appear. This will help everyone, including those who use screen readers, to understand where a link will take them.
Good Example: You can access coaching from the Career Center by reviewing their schedule here!
Good Linking Screen Reader Example
Bad Example: You can access coaching from the Career Center by reviewing their schedule here:
Bad Linking Screen Reader Example
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our team at
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