Each time you log in, you will see the Dashboard, which is also an option on the left-side toolbar. Learn what each section of the Dashboard means below.
How to navigate the Dashboard:
Once you login, you will see the six boxes below.
*From top left to the bottom right.
1. Engagement: The percentage of students that have logged in within a specific time period. Above, it's set to review the percentage of students who have logged in within the last 12 months. If you select the caret to the right of Last 12 months, a drop-down menu will appear for you to drill down into the percentage within the last 6 months, 3 months, and 1 month.
2. Activities Created: The total number of activities created by all users in the platform. If you select the caret to the right of By Anyone, you can select By Me in the drop-down menu and review how many activities you created. You can also select View Activities below that number; you will be taken to the Activities section.
3. Student Activity Completions: The total number of activities students have completed. Similar to Engagement, it defaults to the Last 12 months, but you can select the caret to the right of Last 12 months, and drill down into the total number of completions within the last 6 months, 3 months, and 1 month. Similar to the Activities Created section, you can select the caret to the right of All Activities and choose to review My Activities; here, you can review the number of completions for activities you created.
4. Pending Approvals: Shows the number of activities awaiting administrator approval; students are unable to earn the points for these activities until approved. You can click Review Pending Approvals to be taken directly to the approvals cue.
5. Pending Activity Requests: Displays the number of activities that have been requested to be added to the Catalog; these requests can come from colleagues, administrators with lower-level access (i.e. Contributors), and/or students. You can click Review Activity Requests to be taken directly to the cue.
6. Total Students: The total number of students in the program.
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