Keep in mind...
Suitable has multiple activity validation types available for you to choose from, depending on the type of activity you're looking to create. These options allow for your students to fully capture their co-curricular engagement while in your program.
Watch a video about the different activity validation types here:
Task Validations
Task validations are used for written assignments or reflections, or even portfolio submissions. They are also utilized when administrator approval is needed before points can be awarded for an activity.
When an activity has the Written Reflection validation type, you are asking a student to write a reflection on the activity to earn credit. A text box is provided to the student, which allows the student to write a short reflection on their experience, up to 5,000 characters. For reflections, it's important to remember to add a prompt for the student to respond to.
The portfolio submission option will require students to upload a document or file to satisfy the requirements of the task. This submission will also be made available in the student’s scorecard, where it can be shared out to employers or on their LinkedIn page. In the description of the activity, you should put what type of file the student needs to submit in order to complete the task.
Administrator Approval
Many tasks will require administrator approval before points are awarded to a student for completion of an activity. By enabling this validation, you are requiring that the student's submission or reflection be reviewed by an administrator before points are given to the student.
Event Validation
Events are utilized when a program has an activity that they would like for students to receive credit for attending. There are different ways to implement the Event activity option, such as using it for workshops, advising sessions, or in the traditional way, by attending an event. Events have an automatic validation: smart codes, or QR codes. When an event is created, a smart code will be automatically emailed to the administrator who created the event. There are two types of smart codes available in Suitable: branded or unbranded.
Note: if an event is edited after it has been created, the QR code will not change, so a new smart code will not need to be downloaded.
Smart Code
The first type of smart code provided in your platform is an unbranded smart code. This smart code can be used if you already have your own marketing materials that you'd like to use and simply need the smart code for the materials. When you choose "Get Smart Code," the below screen will appear, and you can right-click on the code and download it.
Branded Smart Code
The second type of QR code that is provided is a branded smart code. This will include your program's name, logo, the event name, details, and description. This code is provided to you in a printable PDF format once you choose "Download" and "View," after clicking "Get Smart Code."
Below is a photo example of what the printable PDF could look like:
We hope that this guide is helpful to you in deciding the right validation and activity type for your activity.
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