Keep in mind...
Edits you make to one list within an achievement will not affect any lists associated with other achievements.
How to edit a student list for an Achievement:
1. To edit a pre-existing badge segmentation, navigate to the 'Achievements' page via the left-hand sidebar from your dashboard.
2. Once you find the achievement you would like to edit, click on the three-dot ellipsis in the top right corner and select 'Edit Achievement'.
3. A pop-up window will appear that warns you about making edits to an achievement while students may be mid-progress. To move on click, ‘I Understand. Go to Edit’.
4. You will be brought to the Achievements wizard. Go directly to the 'Student List' tab to edit the student segmentation.
5. To begin, we will click the 'List based on' dropdown, and choose 'Select student list conditions' to create a dynamic, custom list.
- In this example, this badge is currently segmented to all students. We will want to change the segmentation so this badge is only visible to any student who has earned the First Year Experience badge, within this same pathway.
6. There are multiple ways to edit and change your list. Below are a few examples:
- Achievement progress percentage less than, greater than, or equal to - with this option, you will define which achievement students need to have progress in, and how much progress the student needs to have, in order to see the achievement.
- Class Standing - with this option, you will define if this badge should only be visible to students in the Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Graduate class standings.
- Custom student list - with this option, you will upload a static list of students who may not meet pre-existing conditions. Note: this is a static list option, meaning that this list will not automatically update.
- Students in select cohorts - with this option, you will define which student data filters should be used to segment the badge.
- Students that have completed an activity - with this option, you will define which activity needs to be completed in order for the badge to appear.
- Students that have not completed an activity - with this option, you will define which group of students the badge should be segmented to based on non-completion of an activity.
7. If your previous list had specific criteria you want to delete, click the X next to the criteria you want to remove.
8. For this example segmentation, we will select 'Achievement progress percentage less than, greater than, or equal to'. Within this criteria, we will specify which achievement students have progressed in and more/less/equal to that percentage.
9. To segment to a more specific cohort of students, choose the 'And if +' option below your existing list criteria
Note: adding additional segmentations will further filter your list, not add more students to the list.
10. Once you have your target student population filtered, don’t forget to name your distribution list!
- 'Regenerate name' will automatically populate a name based the criteria you have selected.
- 'Keep custom name' will allow you to assign a custom name to your list.
11. To ensure that your edits have taken place and all conditions have been included, click on 'Preview List' at the bottom of the list creation wizard to receive an example of the list in your email.
12. After you've reviewed your list, click on 'Next' to move on to preview your changes.
13. On the Preview page, you will see your new list title at the bottom, as well as when it was created and by whom.
14. After reviewing all of the details of the achievement, click on 'Save'.
15. A pop-up will appear to confirm your changes. Click on 'Approve and Save Edits'.
Updating an Already-Existing Achievement
If you are updating an already-existing achievement, make sure to refresh the student list. Read more about refreshing a student list here.
1. Go to the Achievements tab on the left side bar menu. Click on the three-dot ellipsis and select 'Refresh student list'.
2. A pop-up box will appear that explains the effects of refreshing a student list. Click, 'I Understand. Refresh student list'.
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